Featured Pocket Dump

Pocket dump by mchaelgreen, features a Streamlight Pro Tac 2L, Taurus Millennium PT140 Pro, and more.

Featured Bag Dump

Bag dump by Otto, features Apple MacBook Pro, Victorinox Multi-Tool, Trodat Mobile, and more.

Featured Product

Keyport - The everyday multi-tool for the modern lifestyle. (Keys, Flashlight, USB, Bottle Opener, etc.)

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Bolt Action Tactical Pen

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When the adage “The pen is mightier than the sword” was first coined, it is safe to say the Bolt Action Tactical Pen was not in existence. If it had been, the phrase would’ve needed a small disclaimer. Basically, the Bolt Action Tactical Pen is what you’d get if said pen and said sword got it on and had a small child. Acting as both your writing mechanism and a self-defense tool, this pen is the one you’ll want clipped to your shirt after those late night meetings in Detroit’s outskirts (or possibly, you may want to consider a career change). Even if you’re not in need of a small weapon, the bolt action on the pen is awesome for all of us who fidget constantly in hour-long meetings or classes. $50

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